
My name is Karina Kristoffersen McKenzie. I have a private practice as a specialist in clinical psychology. I offer sessions to grown ups and youth who because of different reasons may need someone to speak to. I offer consultations for you who go through a crisis or a difficult lifesituation, and I help you who struggle with depression or anxiety where you may need help to get through your narrowing patterns of fear. I can offer help to you who want to do something else with your life but don't know what, to you who may feel stuck and don't know what to do to get further. I can also help you who have been fighting a long time with psychological pain and suffering. I also help parents deal with youth and I am able to offer councelling.

I am educated in psychodynamic therapy, cognitive therapy, and therapy which deals with our fundamental affects. I am also a certified arttherapist and am familiar with mindfulness and bodyoriented therapy. I believe our feelings are a great cause to our motivation and vitality. How we think and choose to act have an affect on our quality of life and to find better ways to think and act may make life easier. I am also able to help you find your inner values and to take steps towards these. I believe it is important to get to know one's values to achieve a meaningful life. To not achieve a life which mirrors our values, may lead to psychological suffering and a lesser degree of quality of life.

I offer individual therapy for english speaking clients.

I am considering to offer a course for young girls in the topics of learning them how to handle thoughts, get to know our basic feelings, how to understand and handle stress and burnout, in addition to a focus on mindfulness and selfcompassion. If enough interest I will offer this course with a duration of 5 hours. This course I may also give to others who may be interested. Please feel free to leave a message if you may be interested. 

 Jeg vurderer å sette opp et eget mestringskurs for unge jenter hvor en lærer om hvordan håndtere tanker, bli kjent med våre ulike følelser, hvordan forstå stress og ty til stressmestring, samt et fokus på mindfulness og selvmedfølelse.  Jeg setter opp et slikt kurs på 5-6 timer ved nok interesse. Dette er et mestringskurs som også kan tilbys til andre målgrupper. Ved interesse, ta gjerne kontakt. 

Jeg setter også opp gruppeterapi for menn som av ulike årsaker kjenner på ensomhet. Kanskje en har mistet noen en er glad i eller en opplever eller har opplevd samlivsbrudd, noe som gjør at det blir vanskelig å finne en vei videre på egenhånd og hvor det ville hjulpet å treffe andre i en liknende situasjon. 

En individuell behandlingstime varer 45 minutter. Behandlingens lengde og frekvens varierer avhengig av din problematikk og dine individuelle behov. 


If there is enough interest I may start group therapy for men which may suffer from loneliness because of different causes. Perhaps one has lost someone close or one experiences or has experienced a painful divorce or breakup, which makes life difficult and where it would be helpful to meet others in a similar situation. 

Place: I have my office at Helsehuset, Markensgate 42 (2.nd floor) in central Kristiansand. There is a waiting room at the second floor.