About me
Psychologist Karina Kristoffersen McKenzie - Specialist in clinical psychology
I was between 2008 and 2015 employed as a psychologist by DPS Strømme connected to Sørlandet Sykehus. As an employee of the hospital at the south of Norway I have worked with treatment of different disorders, and I´have worked with children, youth and adults. During these years I worked four years at a psychiatric outpatient clinic for adults in Mandal, one year at an inpatient clinic for adults at DPS Strømme and one year with children, adolescents and families at ABUP. Between 2015 and 2018 I worked with clients with burnout and on sick leave at Unicare in Kristiansand. I now have my private practice at Helsehuset in Kristiansand, in addition to being in a cooperative venture with Solapsykologene in Rogaland.
I have advanced training in cognitive therapy, affect consciousness therapy, schematherapy, mindful selfcompassion og character analysis. I am also a trained art therapist.
- 05.2017 Mindful Selfcompassion (MSC), 5 day intensive
- 09.2015 - 03.0218 Unicare, Kristiansand
- 09.2013 - 09.2015 2- year introduction course in cognitive therapy
- 10.2014 Psychologist with a specialty in clinical psychology
- 08.2014 - Psychologist at the outpatient clinic in Mandal, DPS Strømme
- 01.2012 - 11.2013 Ground seminar, Norsk Karakteranalytisk Institutt
- 08.2013 - 08.2014 Psychologist, ABUP in Kristiansand
- 08.2012 - 08.2013 Psychologist by the inpatient clinic at DPS Strømme
- 09.2010 - 06.2012 2-year introduction to the affect consciousness model, University of Oslo
- 06.2008 -08.2012 Psychologist at the outpatient clinic of Mandal, DPS Strømme
- 01.2004 - 09.2014 Graduated art therapist from Institutt for Kunstterapi, Denmark
- 08.2002 - 10.2007 Master in psychology, University of Uppsala, Sweden
4612 Kristiansand
Org.nummer: 920800157 95857451 (mellom kl. 09-17)
Den letteste måten å ta og få kontakt med meg, er å sende meg en sms, så tar jeg kontakt. Det er også mulig å sende meg en mail, men for din egen del vær da forsiktig med å ikke sende sensitive opplysninger. karinamac76@gmail.com